Technology is always advancing and affecting any number of fields; this includes both the education and dentistry sector. In the last few decades, we’ve seen all industries propel forward thanks to technological advancement. In terms of dentistry, just think about dental implants, remote consultations, digital patient charts, digitally guided implant placement, fluorescence imaging, CAD/CAM technology, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, digital X-rays, and so much more.
In terms of technological evolution, dentistry and education are extremely adaptable, and this is down to the likes of both virtual reality and augmented reality. The ability to review 3D digital images, view digital X-rays, and use digital textbooks is there; however, a practical profession, such as dentistry, requires real-life knowledge and experience.
As a result, today’s trainee dentists are being taught via a hybrid method, reaping the benefits of both hands-on practice and technology. The combination of the two of these has enabled dental educators to make leaps and bounds within the field. For instance, a high student-to-teacher ratio can result in some students receiving more attention than others, and the use of technology allows for a better balance.

What is dentistry?
While it’s often linked to teeth alone, dentistry actually encapsulates an entire branch of medicine focused on the mouth and gums, as well as teeth. As a result, any technological advancement in the field is a valuable one.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Essentially, virtual reality replaces the real world with a computer-generated world that completely surrounds the user. As a result, it enables students to practice dexterity and hand-eye coordination, all without a patient. Of course, they will need to practice on a patient at some point, but this provides them with an extra layer of preparation, allowing for improved success.
The accuracy of VR means that students are presented with a 3D simulation of pathological conditions and anatomical structures. As a result, the student is given a platform for learning and immediate feedback.
Augmented Reality (AR)
Unlike VR, AR doesn’t create a computerized world; instead, it enhances the existing world via graphics and computer-generated information. It’s essentially digital data and reality combined, which has the capacity to impact sight, hearing, touch, and smell and taste, too.
Reading about what’s required of a dentist and actually having to carry out the procedure are two very different things, and AR helps overcome this barrier. Similarly, it means that the student-teacher ratio is less of a complication, as less supervision is required for AR assignments than for real-life ones.
In the absence of AR, state-of-the-art dental simulators simply wouldn’t exist, and these are essential for enabling students to correct mistakes quickly, accurately, and harmlessly.
Mixed Reality (MR)
The combination of VR and AR is otherwise known as mixed reality or MR. Essentially, MR allows digital and physical objects to coexist, resulting in a completely fresh visualization and environment. The vast majority of technological advancements that we’re set to see in the coming years are hybrids of VR and AR.
The concepts of VR and AR are completely innovating both the dental and education sectors and are set to allow for five billion dollars’ worth of growth by 2025.
The demand for these technological advancements was accelerated by the coronavirus lockdown, in which face-to-face learning couldn’t take place. During this time, though, we were able to identify just how valuable MR is to both dentistry and education. In fact, the five-billion-dollar growth estimations may well be a massive undersell of the real potential of VR and AR. If one thing is certain, though, it’s that technology of this kind will continue to benefit dentists, patients, and students for years to come.