Education translation services are hired to offer translation services for education purposes where translation has a great impact. Primary and secondary educational institutions and higher education institutions offer their services to the ELL, LEP, refugee, and international students who need to communicate with the students as well as their guardians. They also have to go through the written materials and correspondence. When they have to work with students, parents and their guardians with limited English proficiency translation services are inevitable for them. No matter if an educational institute is public or private but one needs to have an education translation partner who can bridge the language gap right away. It is also for the betterment of translation services.
Education translation could be required for different subjects as people from different regions of the world want it. Professional translation services are playing a vital role in providing education translation to educate students and other aspirants.
Why Education Translation Services are Important?
Education translation has always played a pivotal role in bridging the language gap. Its need has always risen and is important to cater to.
Here are the statistics which show how it has become evident for the institutes to acquire help for education and professional transcreation services.
- More than 5 million students back in 2015 were enrolled in U.S public schools. These were English language learners.
- 1 in the 4 children in the USA speaks a language other than English at home as per the latest surveys
- 77.1% of the ELL students are native Spanish speakers.
- More than 18 million US children are either first or second-generation immigrants.
- ELL students who have been enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools have reported speaking 10 different languages at home including Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Somali, Russian, Haitian, Tagalog, and Korean.
- During the 2016-17 years of school, the United States hosted 1.1 million international students who were enrolled in higher education institutions.
- Also, the total number of students doubled from 2001-2017.
Type of Documents That are Commonly Translated
Education is a broad subject and field. It may require translating all types of content for all kinds of subjects which is used for educating children and adults.
The important ones may include
- Diplomas of the elementary school, secondary and high schools
- Academic records and details
- Term papers
- Early development and education materials
- Community notices and bulletins
- Testing materials
- Report cards
- Standard letters
- Standard email communication notices
- Brochures and pamphlets
- Student/parent forms
- Legal documents
- Enrollment information, course description, and class schedules
Education Translation for Higher Education
It is worth mentioning that education and e-learning translation services are not only required for primary or high schools. Education translation services are also required by adults for higher education. Additionally, these have been advised by the community college consortium for immigrant education (2015). The second generation of Americans, are the children who are born in the United States to immigrant parents who have to cope with the challenges of learning and speaking different languages for education purposes. The challenges of learning a second language and using it for academic purposes often become exhausting in the later years of school as the academic content gets tough and complicated due to the language getting more mature and precise. The interpretation and translation services in higher education help to meet the educational needs of students so that they not only ace their current studies but can also get great help in shaping their careers.
Importance of E-Learning Translation Services
E-learning has become more common after the pandemic COVID-19. Students and even parents now prefer to take online courses for their children so that they don’t have to step out of their homes and parents can monitor their kids as well. Once the target audience can relate to the content which is produced and made online they can remember and make the most of it as well as compared to going through the content in another language that they barely understand. E-learning and education content also requires transcreation. Transcreation is a process that involves the adaption of the content from one language to another reserving the existing tone, intent, and style. The creative translation might include some of the original content and demands the reworking of particular ideas. However, some subjects and formats of educational content require it to be translated maintaining the original tone and content strictly. The companies thus should ensure they outsource their project to a good and professional company for the transcreation services.
All the private and government institutes have now started to seek help from education translation services to facilitate the maximum number of people regardless of their language and ethnicity. Post-pandemic, things have changed and people offer remote and online services more as compared to stepping out of their comfort zones. Therefore, the translation of educational content can not be defied. So it is important that people understand the concept and difference between educational, e-learning, and transcreation content and also understand the difference before getting into it.